If you are anything like I have been over the last few years, and still am, you click on your dashboard and look to see which of your friends has made a new post. Some of you may look to see if there is a good picture to go along with the text. Some are more into the text itself.
For over a year, I have read blog after blog, living through other's adoption stories until I too was in the position to adopt.
I’ve been where you are now.
I have sat reading someone elses blog, hearing them talk about their fundraiser.
I look over and see where they are now and how much they have raised so far.
I notice there is still a really long way to go. I look at my $1 or $5 and ask myself and wonder if I should even bother, I mean, is it really worth it?
After all, I was planning on buying a coffee with that.
Will it matter?
There have been times when I did not feel like I could give more than $5 to a friend. So that is all I gave. Before we started this process I did not understand the full extent of how much my $5 could do.
I did not understand the value of just $5. I often wondered if I should even bother. I wondered if it would make any difference at all, if it would matter.
Let me tell you that YES it does matter. It DOES count. Every single penny, it all adds up. Not just in the money it takes to get Sydney home, it doesn't just count as money, it counts as your support. It counts as you saying "We feel you are doing a good thing, and we want to help you."
With every single donation, no matter how big or small, it all counts.
It lets us know you are choosing to support us.
That you too are making a sacrifice to help.
When you look at the big picture, it seems like such a large amount that is needed.
But when you break it down, by how many people need to donate, the number seems a lot more manageable.
Please know that EVERY donation matters to us. We celebrate every single penny raised.
One of the first things we do every day when we get home is check to see if Sydney's got any new donations. We check to see if there are any comments on our blog.
You see, I have been where you are now... reading a blog, wondering if I should actually click the link and donate or not. So does it matter? Will it really make that much difference? Will even $1 count?
Please stand with us in this journey. Be part of Sydney's village.
They say it takes a village to raise a child. It takes a village to bring a child home as well.
We can hardly wait till we can share pictures with you of our first meeting her. Of our gotcha day, and then share with you how she is doing throughout the years. But before we can do that, we have to be able to get there.
It all counts, it all adds up.
Friends, you can make a difference.
A bigger difference then you may understand, unless you too, are on this side of the adoption blogs.
Don't let the amount stop you from donating.
It all Counts!
Mark has been hard at work making crosses for Christmas. This is the first time he has ever tried this but the more he makes the better they look. We are thinking, if there is enough interest, that he will continue to make some even after Christmas. We can make them in almost any color of your choice and you could request some small ones or larger ones. We are also thinking of just making the down syndrome ribbon in the yellow and blue without the cross. Another thing we were thinking of was Easter! We will be playing with the idea of making Easter Eggs (yes it is a long ways away, but if someone would want a basket full, or several, it makes sense to start early) Each Easter egg would be able to "rattle" and because it would be breakable it would be for decoration, not to be used as a toy.

So now that you have gotten to see him "at work" with the crosses... we thought we would tell you WHY he is making them. You see, there is a little girl on the other side of the world who is in need of a daddy, and there is a daddy here who loves his little girl very much and wants to bring her home. Mark finds time to set up the clay and get to work on making crosses for our sweet little angel on the other side of the world. His works until he is so tired he just can not do anything more.
I feel like I am the luckiest girl in the world to have such a wonderful husband. He is always there for us, he is so loving and caring. He is sharing his love for his little girl by making these crosses. We would like YOU to be able to have one.
HOW?? You Ask??
From now until Dec. 15th, we will be having a fundraiser.
Here are the prizes...
Here are a few of the crosses Mark has finished. The larger one is meant to hang on a wall the smaller ones can be used to hang from a Christmas tree or anything else you might want to hang it from.
AND a lovely breakfast set which includes coffee, jam, pancake mix, and two beautiful mugs.
$10 will get you 2 entries
$20 will get you 5 entries
$50 will get you 15 entries
$100 will get you 50 entries
If you share this with your friends/family you will get 1 entry.
Please make sure that you comment with the amount donated so we can keep track of who donated and how much you donated so we can add you to the drawing. On December 15, we will do a random draw to see who the winners are.
There are 4 crosses and 1 gift basket, and they will be awarded to 5 very wonderful people!!
Show your love and support this holiday by helping an orphan, "Sydney", get home!
Show Mark your support and encouragement by donating so he knows his crosses are as loved by you as they are by us!
Thank you!