A big part adoption expenses are from the actual traveling and facilitator fees. Therefore, you may want to know what a facilitator does. A facilitator is the person who will take ALL our documents (tons of them) and translate them into their language, translate for us while we are there, make sure that we have accommodations such as travel within the country, lodging, and directions to wherever we need to go. They will be with us when we have court so they can make sure that the judge understands us and we understand any questions the judge has for us. For a detailed list of all the expenses, please click on the tab at the top “Understanding Adoption Costs”. If you are able to, please donate to help reduce some of these expenses. We still have $25,000 to raise by April when we will be traveling. As always, please pray. Pray that Sydney and Lucien will be ok until we get there. Pray that Sydney's and Lucien's hearts will be ok and that they will not have any heart trouble, (a common issue for children with Down Syndrome) Pray that we will be able to raise the money in time.Thank you so much!
LUCIEN & SYDNEY for the Jenks family — Vancouver, WA

Rebecca and Mark have four wonderful children between the ages of 13-21. They knew they wanted more children and that adoption would be the way they would find their baby. It wasn’t until they stumbled onto Reece’s Rainbow that they considered a little one with Down Syndrome. After a year of reading books and following blogs of families going through the process, they prayed about moving forward. The very next weekend at church a group of teens and adults with Down Syndrome came and sat down in front of them. God just doesn’t get much louder than that.
When they brought up the subject of adopting with their other children, the vote was unanimous. Mark and Rebecca were surprised when the kids ran around the house finding any loose change, even their own change, to start saving to bring home their little sister and brother.
The feeling Rebecca and Mark felt when they first saw Sydney and Lucien was just like when your child just born and they place them in your arms for the first time. They just knew these two beautiful little ones were meant to be part of their family.
They can hardly wait to bring their little blessings home and would appreciate your prayers and donations as they work towards bringing their little one home “Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat.” Mother Teresa
PO Box 4024
Gaithersburg, MD 20885
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